So... this is my first blog ever. Most likely no one will ever even read it! ;) However, I have decided to use it as an outlet and more importantly to talk about my one "true" love... fashion. ;)
Before all you spend-thrifts panic, don't worry! Although I appreciate a good brand and quality clothes, this blog is going to be about affordable fashion for the every day girl.
So who am I to give fashion advice? Well... I'm an every day girl like yourself. I'm someone who has been interested in fashion ever since... well ever since I opened a fashion magazine. (more on that in the next blog!) I have million dollar tastes but have to be satisfied with my slightly *ahem* humble budget.
I'd love to buy a Coach bag or Louboutin shoes or Gucci sunglasses, but alas I find myself shopping the clearance racks at Ross and Macy's. Somehow I can't seem to justify a $1500 purse when I know how I could use that money for others things (like my yearly budget for Starbucks! lol)
So... this blog is for you! From one normal, clearance loving girl to the rest of you gals that sigh over the adorable Kate Spade flats but who wear specials from Payless! :) Who says we can't ALL look terrific no matter what the budget?
Have fun reading and learning about my love of fashion and love of bargains! In the future, I'll give you fabulous tips on how to look great for less!
I'll also try to round up the best tips for makeup, hair and accesories so we can look and FEEL great without spending our entire checking account.
Although my emphasis will be on budget most of the time, we will also look at the fabulous designers of today and draw inspiration from their amazing pieces!
I hope you will enjoy learning about fashion as much I enjoy talking about it... and dreaming about it... and thinking about it... and... well I think you get the picture! ;)
Au revoir my fellow fashionistas!
Viva La Fashion!
Before all you spend-thrifts panic, don't worry! Although I appreciate a good brand and quality clothes, this blog is going to be about affordable fashion for the every day girl.
So who am I to give fashion advice? Well... I'm an every day girl like yourself. I'm someone who has been interested in fashion ever since... well ever since I opened a fashion magazine. (more on that in the next blog!) I have million dollar tastes but have to be satisfied with my slightly *ahem* humble budget.
I'd love to buy a Coach bag or Louboutin shoes or Gucci sunglasses, but alas I find myself shopping the clearance racks at Ross and Macy's. Somehow I can't seem to justify a $1500 purse when I know how I could use that money for others things (like my yearly budget for Starbucks! lol)
So... this blog is for you! From one normal, clearance loving girl to the rest of you gals that sigh over the adorable Kate Spade flats but who wear specials from Payless! :) Who says we can't ALL look terrific no matter what the budget?
Have fun reading and learning about my love of fashion and love of bargains! In the future, I'll give you fabulous tips on how to look great for less!
I'll also try to round up the best tips for makeup, hair and accesories so we can look and FEEL great without spending our entire checking account.
Although my emphasis will be on budget most of the time, we will also look at the fabulous designers of today and draw inspiration from their amazing pieces!
I hope you will enjoy learning about fashion as much I enjoy talking about it... and dreaming about it... and thinking about it... and... well I think you get the picture! ;)
Au revoir my fellow fashionistas!
Viva La Fashion!
Dear Fashionista-what an appropriate blob for you! Any time I have stumbled into looking semi fashionable, it is because I have worn something that you told me to!You are always one step ahead of the trends!I only disagree with you regarding mixing patterns. Just cannot make myself do that! Can't wait for you to tell me what's hot and what's not! By the way, you could not have picked a country in which to live that needs more fashion sense. Good luck with that!
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